I am so grateful that you are on my website and interested in my work! I always above all try to always bring Glory to God in every aspect of wedding photography. I got married almost 2 years ago- October 30th 2021- and I fell in love with the season. Preparing for marriage is tough, but an amazing time. It has been a dream to serve couples near and far- I'm based in Cincinnati and have served couples in 10 states so far including; Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, West Virginia, New York, New Jersey, Washington, Illinois, Arkansas, Michigan, Minnesota. I hope to one day serve a couple in every single state- even abroad! I love the Catholic faith and at the end of the day that is what this business is all about- serving couples and sharing the beauty of the Catholic faith- with deep reverence, with love!

This is my husband and I on our wedding day! I prayed during our 6 month engagement for our wedding to be the Holiest and happiest day of my life- and man was that true, but I think every day since then has been even more of a testament to the gravity those prayers held. Marriage has been the greatest thing I've ever been apart of- with every trial, heartbreak, disappointment, with every joy, every happy cry, every moment where you just feel so full of love. I could go on for ages about the graces I never expected marriage has made it ~more graceful~ to conquer!
My husband and I attend the Latin mass at the most beautiful and reverent church I have ever known. Here to the right is a photo I took during the feast of Corpus Christi- it was

an absolute beautiful mass if you can't tell from this photo alone!
This church has been so instrumental in our faith and has been our second home since being married. We live so close and are able to go quite often- usually 3 times throughout the week, some weeks even more! We are so grateful for that!
For much of my life I was not really practing- like a lot of people I was raised in the faith, but at some point my family stopped attending mass and praying together as a family- as life and school got busier for my 3 younger siblings and I. When I went to college- the University of Cincinnati I was introduced to my husband (actually a year prior) and I give him and God all the credits into my re-conversion into the one true faith- and for that I am eternally grateful for! Now life looks like lots of prayers, novenas, rosaries, Catholic art, books, adoration, and of course mass. It has been the most joyful part of my entire life!
Now you are probably asking how I got into photography- great questions! I have always had a creative eye- have always loved crafts, painting, and everything in between! I started photography as a young girl and eventually entered into competitions and even did 4-h (sadly not for the

animals). In college I started to pick up my camera more and capture people- which I had never really done- and I loved it. Of course it took practice, but I have loved continuing to work my creative brain and become better and better. Why Catholic weddings? As a Catholic there is just nothing as beautiful as the faith and I have had such a desire to capture the beauty in the best way a human can. Knowing the faith like the back of your hand makes the day just glorious- so smooth! I have been told by so many amazing couples that I was such a vital part of their day- keeping the memories for them to share with their families, to hang on the wall, to reminisce on!
I hope that answered many questions, and if you still have more I would love to chat with you more!
God bless you,
Allie Logsdon